New and Contrite Hearts: Ash Wednesday and Lent I
I’m of two minds about the way language of “Christian duty” is obsolete in #millennial post-Christendom. I am convinced that it’s obsolete: I just have two competing reasons why. Human life is complicated and Christendom was complicated, so I’m sure that both are right in different ways and in different circumstances. I’ll go into one of those ways today, and pick up my second thought in two weeks when I reflect on the Collect for Lent II. (I'll interrupt this next week with an Ember Day reflection on the Ordination of Women and Ecumenical relations.) (Source: Prayer Book Society of Canada Facebook page. Available here: ) There was a time when the language of “Christian duty” was not obsolete, when it made sense as the guiding star of the Churches' and of Christians’ posture in the world. It especially made sense in the pulpit, made sense to focus a preacher...